Once Mihir was at the flat we ran through White Sails, and Place Somewhere(That night I decided not to play "Place Somewhere").4pm rolled around and by then we where at the space on Kent, where the show would be taking place. The night was filled with people that had heard word of the music that night an as a result conversation we sparked and vanquished. My favourite part of the night was playing Anticipation. it served as somewhat as an awakening inside of me and allowed me to take a glimpse at what my sound could possibly become.
At the moment I'm working with what I know. In the future I plan on incorporating more aspects of present day music into my sound, but for right now I like the violins and autoharp. Towards the end of the Night I spoke briefly with Francois Champenois, CEO of LEN INC.
I wanted to set aside some time and have a smoke before I played, but it didn't really work out way.I walked back into that loft, which was adorned with large painted canvases and began to warm up. The music started and eveoryone slowly took their seats. I asked DucksFlyMoon to a play an impromptu 2 chord passage over and over while everyone drifted to their seats. The ensemble had never practiced this particular song I creating, never the less, everything jelled and before I knew the pianist and cellist were weaving in and out of DucksFlyMoon's chords.
Many thanks to the musicians that helped make last night possible.
Mihir,DucksFlyMoon,Dave,and Claudeen.
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