Sunday, 6 December 2009

Good,Better,Best! That Must Be Our Test.

This video was shot before I came to London. I was playing down in the subway at midnight in order to pay back Daisy (She helped me pay for my second flight to come to the U.K)

Once I was down at the Bedford stop and it was about 12:30 am and while busking I managed to make enough money to call it lucrative day. With the money I made from previous encounters down in the subway I paid Daisy back and set off to be with my LOVER, DucksFLyMoon. I booked a flight to London and before I knew I was there.

Before leaving for London I didn't have an apt and managed to sleep wherever I could. There was even a point by which a friend of mine gave me keys to her buddies condo right off of Bedford. It was as if the cosmos were helping me.

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