Headed to America tomorrow to play in Philadelphia and New York City. Yesterday I returned from Paris, France and immediately travled to Oxford for a brief appearance at a music festival called The 9 Muses. The setting was cute but was destroyed thanks to a few of the band members of the band that played after me. The bass players vibe was very brown in color like the stinky stuff dogs leave behind once relieving themselves. He and his friend apologised after my set but, what good does that serve. I suppose you can't win them all. LOL. Up until that point at the festival I was enjoying myself and will do my best to reflet on the events prior to the silver spandex attired bass player and his blonde surfer like friend.
The next I arose to make my way to Lounge on the Farm Music Festival locate in Canterbury. Didn't show up to the gig on time and as a result, had to be wedged onto another stage. The audience payed attention and bought some merch. so I can't complain.
Tomorrow I fly to America for a quick 3 day support tour with Wild Beasts. The first gig is in Philadelphia at the World Cafe. After Philadelphia I'm back to my third home, New York City.
July 12, 2011
Philadelphia – World Café Live
3025 Walnut Street in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19104 (Between 30th & 31st Streets)
I play at 9pm apparently, but if you know anything about musicians sometimes we dont' start on time.
July 13&14, 2011
New York – Le Poisson Rouge
158 Bleecker St (btw Sullivan and Thompson),
NY, NY, 10012
Stage Time: 7:30pm
My month of July thus far... Leeds Brudenell on the 3rd, Manchester Band on the Wall on the 5th, Nottingham Glee Club on the 6th, Fleche d'or, Paris on the 7th followed by Nine Muses Festival on the 9th, Lounge on the Farm on the 10th, Fly to the US on the 11th, Wild Beasts your on the 12th,13th,14th Philadelphia and New York, FLy back to UK on the 15th,LATITUDE MUSIC FESTIVAL on the 17th,Mechanical Bride Album Launch on the 20th, Truck Festival in Oxfordshire on the 22nd, Fly to Australia on the 23rd, Melbourne on the 24th, James Blake support on the 25th, 27th travel to Sydney,The Factory Theatre with James Blake on the 28th, and Splendour in the Grass Music Festival.